Recognition for true heroes
To the Editor:
It is not often that we are fortunate enough to recognize the efforts of true heroes and commend them for their efforts.
On Sept. 7, Labor Day, my wife and I had just completed a 1,400-mile drive when I began to feel “not just right.” Our initial attempts to determine a blood pressure and pulse rate proved futile. My wife made the wise decision to call the Pine Island local Emergency Medical Services for an opinion.
Immediately, three technicians arrived quietly at the front door of our home, followed in close succession with two additional medics from the Island Center Emergency Medical Services station. It was very quickly determined that I had a condition resulting in markedly low blood pressure and a high pulse rate. While being monitored by the five specialists, my heart raced off into a condition called cardio arrhhythmia where the pulse accelerates to an alarming rate. The technicians quickly and efficiently swung into action and took necessary measure to arrest the worsening condition, get me stabilized. The Medivac helicopter was quickly dispatched to the Mosquito Control helipad in St. James City. Eight minutes later I was whisked into the Lee County HealthPark emergency room and my needs were promptly tended to.
It can be safely said that the quick response and professional attention of these five dedicated technicians snatched me away from the termination of my life in another few minutes. Their training and devotion to their mission allowed these gentlemen to make quick, positive and proper decisions. All of their movements were directed from a perfectly designed and well orchestrated plan. Their performance of duties was beyond reproach and nearly indescribable. Thanks alone cannot communicate the appreciation felt by my family and me for such a terrific job well done. In the words of my cardiologist, “The EMS personnel are not good, they are great. They save many lives for us and make our jobs easier.”
My wish is to personally recognize the two firefighters and medics from St. James Station #2: John Busscher, Ed Wentz and Greg Boyco.
Also, from Medic 10, Station #1 located at the Island Center, two medics were in attendance: Rob Cesini and Adrian Santiago
Because of the selfless devotion, training, timing and determination of these five men, plus the availability of the Medivac Helicopter team from Lee Memorial Hospital, I am happy to say how proud I am to continue living the Pine Island way of life.
Thank you to the fine team of professionals for a job well done.
William E. Standing
St. James City