
PI Community Church continues to grow

2 min read

To the Editor:

The rumors are true, Pine island Community Church has outgrown yet another facility and we have signed a lease for two warehouse units in the industrial park. Watch for the moving date. Whenever we find ourselves in the midst of a big move, one can’t help but reflect on how we arrived at this point. I cannot go another moment without personally thanking two very important people in the life of church growth.

The first person is Richard Berlanti who tirelessly helped get the administrative paper trail started, served as president for the first year and directed the Praise Band on Sunday mornings. Without his guidance and support, we might not be where we are today. My blessings follow you and your family wherever the path may lead you. Thank you Rich!

The second person who needs thanks is Ken Cox who is our current board chairman and who has worked more hours than there are in a day with the church and the permitting processes. This is a man who has my greatest respect and admiration; a man who never quits, but keeps on going no matter the hurdle.

I am grateful to you both.

Pastor Heidi Grueser

Pine Island Community Church