
Summary of GPICA meeting April 7

2 min read

To the Editor:

Not surprisingly, the 8-0 vote by the Cape Coral City Council to consider the possible annexation of Cape Royal, Matlacha Isles, Matlacha and even all of Pine Island stirred up a great deal of anxiety among the residents of all these communities. Representatives from each community attended the Greater Pine Island Civic Association on April 7 to hear Wayne Daltry, Lee County’s director of Smart Growth, speak on the topic of annexation. Significantly, no one from any of the areas likely to be annexed expressed any eagerness to become part of Cape Coral. In fact, quite the opposite.

Mr. Daltry’s comments were mostly reassuring to his audience. Any annexation, he pointed out, is a long way off. We are in the very early stages of the process which will be subject to numerous negotiations between Cape Coral and Lee County. Annexations would have to comply with state law: creditors, bond holders and other stakeholders would have to be assured that their interests are protected. Annexation would have to be voluntary, contingent upon a referendum vote by the residents of the communities affected. But perhaps what was most reassuring about Mr. Daltry’s presentation is the fact that his own community, North Fort Myers, might also face annexation, a development he would not welcome and, presumably, would actively resist.

Personally, I find it very comforting to know that a prominent county official is in the same boat as us. That does not guarantee us a favorable outcome, of course, but it probably does guarantee us a fair and open process. Nevertheless, we should all remain vigilant. Please watch for updates on the civic association Web site: And please feel free to post your comments there too.

Bill Mantis
