
Don’t ruin a good thing for the rest of us

2 min read

To the Editor:

My “Significant Other” and I recently took a trip to the Lover’s Key Dog Beach. Our dogs had a wonderful time playing in the water and chasing each other around, however, I could have sworn, actually I’m positive, that I observed a sign posted at the entrance to the beach clearly stating dogs must be under voice command at all times. This was not the case as numerous dogs were running rampant through the area, actually following us all the way out of the park and to our car! Owners must clean up after their dogs. Not once did I observe this. Owners must have proof of immunization and license for their dogs. Yeah, right! I’m certain everyone had that information stored in plastic zip lock baggies and tucked neatly away in their bathing suits!

Dogs that are aggressive are not allowed in the park, as we observed one owner actually inciting his two pit bulls to fight each other on the beach as if he was “putting on a show” for everyone! (This is when we decided to leave.)

The rules also stated that all dogs are to be neutered or spayed. Yep! I know everyone was in compliance with that one, too! Oh! And it also stated, “Park patrolled by Animal Services to assure compliance.” This was not our first visit to the park but we have never observed anyone of authority enforcing any rules or regulations whatsoever. Maybe they only work Monday – Friday? People and volunteers have fought diligently for so long and so hard to keep these places where we can take our dogs and have some fun. It’s only going to take a few uncaring people or individuals to ruin it for the rest of us. If you have a dog, be responsible. Please don’t ruin it for the rest of us.

Keith L. Rock
