
What is it going to take? Your friend? Your animal? Your child?

3 min read

To the Editor:

On Tuesday, March 3, a warm sunny afternoon, one of our two cats was sunning himself in our yard. Along came a tan colored great dane and a brindle colored boxer, obviously both pets because they wore collars, but, they were roaming free from any leash or supervision from their owners.

Our neighbors witnessed the next event. The boxer attacked our Simba and violently shook him from snooze. Simba cried for help. Our neighbors responded quickly and successfully spooked the two dogs and came over and alerted Tom, who found our bleeding seven-pound cat crying in agony. Tom picked up Simba, ran upstairs and grabbed towels to help stop the bleeding and took of for the animal hospital. As Tom drove away, he spotted the two dogs near Darna Lane.

According to our vet, Simba was attacked and shaken so violently that it tore his flesh and muscles from his hindquarter bones. Tom was forced to make the most difficult decision to put Simba down.

Simba and Catfish, brothers from the same litter, came into our lives on Thanksgiving weekend 1999. While these two came to us as pets, they are companions, provide comfort and entertainment at times as only pet owners can understand.

What is it going to take? According to Lee County Animal Control, the dog owners and culprits are well know to them. They keep moving around Lee County. These dog owners never get caught. Why? No one will take the time to file a complaint, much less show up in court. These two dogs (well, at least one of them) were responsible for attacking an elderly gentleman in Bokeelia in recent months, but he would not take the time to follow through with a complaint.

Beware Bokeelia!

Simba was our friend, what if it was yours? What if it was your child or grandchild or spouse? Please, if you see an animal running without a leash or unsupervised – especially these two – note the date and time and call the authorities! Lee County Animal Control would rather return a pet to its owner without harm to others.

If you have a pet, how can you read this with being moved?

Tom and I do not need a lecture on how most dogs make pets and are very loyal to their owners, this was not the case. This dog was unsupervised and attacked, mutilated and killed another animal totally unprovoked while in his own yard.

We will miss our Simba.

DJ and Tom Ruscik and Catfish
