

1 min read

To the Editor:

I want to thank the Pine Island Garden Club for the gracious honors they bestowed upon me at their meeting on Feb. 19. I knew that they were going to award me an honorary membership, but the declaration by the County Commissioners of Feb. 19 as Phil Buchanan Day and the proclamation by Gov. Crist came as a complete surprise. So, too, were the tributes by the Greater Pine Island Civic Association and the Calusa Land Trust. A special thanks to Marjorie Vanderkruik, Suzy Quatto, Commissioner Bob Janes, Bill Mantis, Harold Brunner and the other organizers for their hard work.

As I told the Garden Club membership and quests, I get far more credit than I deserve for Pine Island’s accomplishments over the last few decades. The real credit goes to the wonderful people of Pine Island, some 90 percent of whom actively support smart growth and environmental preservation on Pine Island.

I appreciate the kindness and friendship of all of you more than you can possibly know.

Phil Buchanan

Pine Island

(and very proud of it)