Thanks for the donations
To the Editor:
As many know, the Beacon of H.O.P.E. moved into a new location on Northwest Pine Island Road in November. The community response has been wonderful. We have had a huge increase in donations (the reason for our letter), as well as an increase in sales. We have already outgrown our space, and through the generosity of our landlord we are renting the space next door to us at a greatly discounted rate – unless he rents it for full price.
Periodically we have to turn down donations of clothes as we are so full. We even have bags of things waiting in the attic. Please don’t be upset with us or disappointed. We love our gifts from the community; it is what gives us the ability to give back to those in need on Greater Pine Island. And don’t stop giving us clothes altogether; we just may have to say “no” once in awhile.
Also – please do not leave donations on the sidewalks by the store when we are not open. We have been warned by Lee County Code Enforcement that we or you could be fined.
Thanks for all your wonderful support,
The Staff of Beacon of H.O.P.E.