
Oppose billing private insurance for vets

1 min read

To the Editor:

The new VA Secretary, Eric Shinseki, confirmed in the House and Senate VA Committee testimony that the Administration’s Fiscal Year VA budget is considering a proposal to bill veterans with private insurance for their service-connected disability treatments. Although some committee members questioned the proposal, only three voiced their outright objections to it: Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), ranking majority member, Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) and Rep. Michael Michaud (D-ME).

All veterans and Americans should oppose any attempt to pass healthcare costs on to wounded and service-connected disabled veterans. Billing a veterans private insurance could lead to higher premiums and make it difficult for veterans and their families to obtain or retain their private insurance, as well as discourage employers from hiring disabled vets.

We all should contact the White House at and contact your members of Congress.

Dick Thomas, American Legion Post 136 Service Officer

John Thomas, SW FL District Director Blinded Veterans Association

St. James City