My yard is not a kennel

To the Editor:
I have been coming to this island for the last two years on a part-time basis and this year I am considering staying year-round. One of the concerns that I have is the lack of responsibility by pet owners who not only allow their animals to roam free, but also the owners who walk their pets and allow their pets to defecate and urinate in front of other people’s homes. Most of them do not pick up after their animals, and if they do, they still don’t understand that what residue is left behind will attract other animals. If people don’t like the smell in their own yards, then why do it in front of someone else’s yard? There are main street areas, their own yards and other areas where pets can relieve themselves without disrespecting anothers property.
I am a responsible pet owner and would like to see others behave responsibly. I have posted a sign near my property that indicates that the area is not a kennel. I am hoping that it will educate the errant pet owners and perhaps other pet owners on the island that just didn’t realize that 20 or more visits by pets in one area becomes a health hazard and smells badly.
Bobbi Pitzner
St. James City