
One Accord night a big success

1 min read

To the Editor:

We would like to thank everyone who made our first Unity in the Community One Accord night such a huge success. It was such a blessing to worship in spirit and in truth with our churches. A special thanks to the Church of Joy from Zolfo Springs and its Pastor Earnie Hearnes and T.J. Brown for their participation in making it a great evening to share our love of Jesus with each other. We look forward to our next gathering on March 21. Our Feb. 21 evening is canceled due to a conflict in scheduling.

Also on on Feb. 27 and 28, Friday and Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon, we are having a church garage/parking lot sale, with everything from fishing tackle and gear to chairs, home decor, dishes, clothes, etc. Come and check it out. The sale will be held at the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ Ministries, 5100 Doug Taylor Circle, St. James City, in the industrial park. For more information, call 283-0413.

In His love,

Pastor Lynne Beaudy

Matt. 6:33