
Thanks for helping us MOVE-Beacon of H.O.P.E.

2 min read

To the Editor:

First and foremost I want to thank our Board President Betsy Haesemeyer of P.I.G. Growers for her financial help and time given to make this move happen. Thanks goes to Paul Jones for getting the ball rolling and David Talmage, John Peckinpaugh and Glen Higgens for all the construction work done, and Russ Smith for his contribution of getting the electrical in order. All of those who pitched in and physically moved the store, we couldn’t have done it without each and everyone of you. Our volunteers who have worked non stop to try and keep up with the in coming donations and sales as well as organizing the store: Brenda Balbaugh, Dani, Melisa, Meredith Higgins, Bobbi and Kathy Mafferty, Pat Cole, Dot Mahan, and if I forgot someone, please forgive me.

And yes were are here Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and hope to open on Saturday soon. We are not back at our old location by the Subway -we are at 5465 Pine Island Road in the old Good Will store — previously the Marble and Tile Store. We ask that you do not leave donations at the front of the store or by the side door unless we are there. If it rains things are ruined. Thanks again for all your support.


Barb Peckinpaugh and Sheri Dube