Important facts about Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ Ministries
To the editor:
This letter is to inform the community of some important facts about our ministry and events that will be taking place in the new year.
To begin we are a non-denominational, Bible-believing congregation. Our statement of faith is: “As a church it is our desire to lift up the name of Jesus in all we say or do. Refresh one another through fellowship. Raise up true disciples of Jesus Christ and release people into their God given gifts and ministries.” Our covering is Gospel Crusade Inc. out of Bradenton, Fla. Dr. Gerald Derstine internationally known minister, evangelist and leader in the charismatic movement of the church, is the founder/chairman of Gospel Crusade Inc. and is also the director of the Institute of Ministry Training Schools at the Florida, Minnesota and New York Christian Retreat Centers. As a body of believers we are honored and humbled to be a part of this ministry. Brother Derstine is also the head of Israel Affairs International through Gospel Crusade Inc. and we have missionaries preaching and teaching the Kingdom of God and making disciples all over the world.
Now for the upcoming events. As of the first Sunday in January and every Sunday there after, we will be having a beginners Bible study from 5 p.m. till 5:45 p.m. and a Sunday evening church service at 6 p.m.
Also every third Saturday of the month, beginning Jan. 17, at 6 p.m., we will host a covered dish dinner, and at 7 p.m. our unity in the community, “One Accord” praise evening. Our desire is Psalms 133:1 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for the brethren to dwell together in unity.”
We are inviting special guest praise and worship teams/musicians and ministers to dwell together, minister and worship Jesus in one accord! Pastor Ernie Herns from the Church of Joy, out of Zolfo Springs, Fla., will be our first guest minister and on Saturday, Feb. 21. National recording artist Mark Shelton will minister in concert. This will be an interdenominational event, not a substitute or replacement for Sunday services in your home church. We would encourage all who desire to experience the fullness of the Body of Christ to attend. For more information please call 239- 283-0413
In His Love and Service
Pastor Lynne Beaudry
Associate Pastor Bill Mong