Have a Happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving, like Independence Day, is a true American holiday.
Steeped in tradition, basted in symbolism, Thanksgiving is the day we, as a people, pause to give thanks for the things for which we are grateful — food on the table, family and friends, the same simple things that marked the first celebration in times even tougher than these.
Thanksgiving this year also shares something else with that first — we eat, and we celebrate, and we give thanks for the harvest of another year although we really don’t know what the winter will bring.
It’s an odd dichotomy that’s uniquely American.
And for that, we are also grateful.
In keeping with our most American of traditions, this Thanksgiving, let us put aside, if only for a day, the travails of 2010 and pause before tables that may be a little leaner but are bountiful nonetheless, and give thanks.
If this holiday has taught us anything, even the most rocky soil will bear fruit and eventually, even the coldest winter buds into spring.
Have a happy Thanksgiving. We still have much to be grateful for.
— Eagle editorial