
Lilian Kemph

Lilian Kemph, 75, co-founder of Pine Island FISH, died unexpectedly at her home in Bokeelia, on Dec. 12, 2008. She was a native of Tryon, N.C., but lived in many states before settling on Pine Island with her husband Walter in 1979.

Immediately upon her arrival on Pine Island, she became an active member of the community. While working for the Dr. Ella Piper Center, she became aware of the lack of services for the elderly and disabled of our community. With her friend Betty Elmquist, former editor of the Pine Island Eagle, she delved into the possibility of establishing a non-profit organization to meet the specific needs of the island and Matlacha, including transportation for medical appointments or shopping, daily contact with the home-bound and respite for caregivers. Because of her (and Betty’s) efforts, FISH (Fellow Islanders Sending Help) was formally established in January 1987 as a 501.c.3 charitable organization. It was a source of pride and joy for her to experience the evolvement of FISH through the years as its mission expanded to cover additional services to less fortunate residents of all ages. FISH now includes the Basket Brigade projects, emergency financial services and loan of medical mobility equipment.

Although she is primarily known to our community as a FISH founder, her interests were wide and varied. She had a masters degree in education and served at schools in North Carolina, Arizona and Hawaii during her earlier years. Her commitment to children never waivered, and for 13 years she was a member of the American Legion Auxiliary’ Girls State Committee. She was a member of the local Elks Lodge, VFW Auxiliary, Greater Pine Island Civic Association and charter member of Women of the Moose. She was also an expert in the identification of seashells, particularly those of prehistoric eras.

Since her death, several friends have been asked to describe this special woman. The descriptions were many, and all agreed that she was exuberant, generous, cheerful, adventurous, down-to-earth and that she never lost a sense of curiosity. Perhaps the best description is that she “never met a stranger.”

She is survived by her husband, Walter; daughter, Cindy Walker of North Carolina; step-son, Tim Kemph of Kansas; seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Her daughter Janet predeceased her in 1993.

It was Lilian’s wish to have no formal ceremony. However, for those who wish to honor her memory, donations may be sent to her beloved Pine Island FISH, P.O Box 357, Matlacha, FL 33993.