
Tickets on sale for sizzling downtown fest

4 min read

Calling all bacon lovers! Tickets are on sale now for the South Cape BaconFest 2014 trolley run.

Hosted by the South Cape Hospitality and Entertainment Associations, the bacon-themed event will take place Aug. 23 from 6 to 11 p.m. in the downtown area. Thirteen participating establishments will serve up a food sample, a drink sample or both to attendees, who will travel to the venues by trolley.

It is the first ever BaconFest put on by the groups, according to organizer David Delli Paoli.

“Our ultimate goal is to be able to put funding back into the city,” he said. “To help revitalize the downtown South Cape area.”

While several downtown bars and restaurants take part in the runs and pub crawls, the associations wanted an event that the other South Cape venues could participate in – hence, the food-based crawl.

“We wanted to find a way to get them involved,” Delli Paoli said. “And people love bacon.”

Prior to the run, check-in will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. in Big John’s plaza and in Club Square. Attendees can park in the public lots and must check-in to obtain an event wristband and passport.

“It’s going to be a whole lot of bacon,” he said of what people can expect.

The food samples will range from appetizers and entrees, to desserts. Some of the edibles will include common pairings like bacon pizza and bacon-wrapped kielbasa, with more exotic tastes thrown in.

“Send It Sweetly – they’re a chocolate and confectionery shop. They’re going to have chocolate caramel bacon bark,” Delli Paoli said.

The drink samples will also run the gamut. Some on the list are a bloody mary with bacon-infused vodka and a bacon and cheese martini. A favorite at Rack’em Billiards is its Sassy Bomb, a sarsaparilla and Jagermeister mix. He explained that the venue may concoct a variation of the drink with bacon.

Delli Paoli noted that the run will include one of the newest South Cape establishments.

“This is the first time they’re participating in one of our events,” he said of The Island Seafood Restaurant. “So, it’s also like a welcome-to-the-neighborhood for them.”

In addition to the samples, many of the establishments will offer entertainment and other specials.

“There’s definitely going to be music,” Delli Paoli said. “Most of the venues have live bands.”

In another first for the South Cape Hospitality and Entertainment Associations, event T-shirts will be sold during the trolley run. The back of the T-shirt includes the logos of the participating establishments and sponsors, while the front is a design created by contest winner Jonathan Brooks, a local musician.

“We had a T-shirt design contest a couple of months ago,” he said.

For submitting the winning design, Brooks will receive $150 in gift cards, along with four free tickets to the trolley run and four free event T-shirts.

The shirts cost $15 each and come in two styles – regular and a ladies tank top.

Delli Paoli explained that the proceeds from the sales will help cover projects in the South Cape that the city is considering, such as adding more crosswalks and trees and improving the streetscapes.

“We want to try and revitalize this area,” he said.

Attendees must be 21 years of age or older.

Event tickets cost $20 and can be purchased at any of the participating establishments.

Delli Paoli encouraged the public to pick up one.

“It’s a great time,” he said.

In June, Delli Paoli had a chance to take part in the Red, White & Brew event.

“I’m not even that big of a beer fan, but I had a blast,” he said.

“You never know who you’re going to see on there (the trolley),” Delli Paoli added. “You just go around and discover new places.”

For more information on the South Cape BaconFest 2014, visit the website online at: