
Dinner and a show: Italian American Club plans July 4 blast

3 min read

The Italian American Club is hosting a patriotic dinner and show for the Fourth of July.

The “God Bless America From Sea to Shining Sea” Tour of America will take place from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. July 4, with an All American Buffet planned for 5:45 p.m. Doors will open at 4:30 p.m. After the show, the party will move outside, where attendees can watch the Red, White & BOOM! fireworks.

Ralph Sangiovanni, second vice present of the Italian American Club, explained that people have been immigrating to the United States for centuries because they want to be part of the American dream.

“This is the greatest country in the world,” he said. “That basically is the essence of the show.”

The program opens with the Southwest Florida Military Museum’s color guard, followed by a recognition of the U.S. Armed Forces. Music will include the “Star-Spangled Banner,” “Coming to America” and more. The show will then take a musical look at the country from coast to coast.

“We’re going to have songs from all different parts of the country,” Sangiovanni said.

There are about 25 to 30 selections, from New England, through the Midwest and on to Hawaii.

“It’s going to all be done musically,” he said.

Once the program wraps up, everybody is welcome outside for the 9:30 p.m. pyrotechnics.

“It should finish pretty much in time with the fireworks,” Sangiovanni said.

“You can see all the fireworks from right outside our door,” he added.

The cost is $22 for members and $25 for non-members.

The price includes the buffet, which will feature hotdogs, burgers, ribs and vegetables.

“It’s an All American Buffet,” Sangiovanni said.

The venue can seat about 250 people. As of Thursday, approximately 70 tickets had been sold.

“We would love to pack the house,” Sangiovanni said.

Cocktails will be available when the doors open.

“We’re working this in conjunction with the veterans museum,” he said.

Sangiovanni explained that the Southwest Florida Military Museum approached the club about problems it was having with its kitchen, which it uses to feed local veterans. The two joined forces to put on fundraisers to raise the money needed to remodel the kitchen to better serve the veterans.

“They basically want to redo their entire kitchen,” he said.

As of Thursday, about $1,500 had been raised.

During the Fourth of July program, the proceeds from a 50/50 raffle will go to the cause.

“We’re doing it because it’s one club helping out another club,” Sangiovanni said.

He noted that it is an honor for Cape Coral to have such a facility.

“We have this beautiful museum, and we should support it,” Sangiovanni said.

Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis. Prepaid reservations are required.

For tickets, call (239) 542-6515; payments can be made over the telephone with a credit card.

People can also stop by the Italian American Club to reserve tickets to the show.

Parties of eight can reserve their own table.

“It’s all indoors,” he said. “It’s nice and air-conditioned.”

For more information, visit online at:

The Italian American Club is at 4725 Vincennes Blvd.