2014 Great Bay Scallop Search July 26
Join the University of Florida / Charlotte County Sea Grant Extension program, by participating in the 2014 Great Bay Scallop Search July 26. The search is a resource-monitoring program where volunteers snorkel, looking for scallops in select seagrass areas. The purpose of this program is to monitor and document the health and status of the bay scallop population. About 40 shallow draft boats are needed with up to 150 participants. Canoes and Kayaks are also welcome. Snorkelers without boats are welcome, however boat space is limited. Scallop searchers will meet at 8:30 a.m. at Gasparilla Marina to receive survey equipment and instructions for the monitoring event. Lunch will be provided once you return to shore. Volunteers need to bring: a mask, snorkel and gloves and be able to snorkel/swim 50 meters (about 150 feet)-fins and weight belt are optional.Reservations are required and survey sites and equipment are limited. For addiinformation and registration visit: http://bit.ly/2014LBGSscallop Contact the organizer via email at staugler@ufl.edu or by calling 941-764-4346.