Lee BIA accepts resignations, has two positions to fill
There are now two unrelated vacancies to be filled in the Lee County Building Industry Association, one of those prompting a major recruiting search for a replacement.
Executive Vice President Heather Mazurkiewicz of Cape Coral resigned Wednesday after 15 months on the job.
The other position, of director of development, was vacated voluntarily by State Rep. Dane Eagle of Cape Coral, who was arrested earlier this week on a DUI charge.
“It was totally his decision,” BIA president Victor duPont said of Eagle’s resignation.
As far as a replacement for Mazurkiewicz, duPont has formed a committee to conduct a search.
“We looked nationally the last time and ended up with Heather from Cape Coral,” duPont said. “We have no time frame to find a replacement. We’re not going to rush into it because people are splitting duties right now.”
Mazurkiewicz’s contract runs through May 22, but she no longer is running the day-to-day operations of the BIA.
“My resignation was by mutual agreement with the board,” said Mazurkiewicz. “I’m still VP of BJM Consulting with my husband, so I’m going to take some time to concentrate on that and the development group. I will look at other opportunities down the road, but I’m amazed at the number of opportunities already made available.”
Mazurkiewicz was executive director of the Cape Coral Construction Industry Association from May 2010 through December 2012 before leaving for the Lee BIA post in January 2013.
“I’m not surprised by the resignation, but I?have not spoken directly to Heather,” said current CCCIA executive director Mo Beneke. “I’m sure she had good reasons.”
DuPont said he was not expecting Eagle’s resignation, but indicated it is not surprising since Eagle’s main job is in Tallahassee where he needs to direct all of his attention.
“He was in charge of membership, so that position is not as important as the executive VP,” said duPont. “We’ll take our time filling it.”
Eagle, 30, was arrested shortly before 2 a.m. Monday morning leaving a Taco Bell in Tallahassee and charged with one count of DUI, according to the Tallahassee Police Department.
He was stopped after reportedly striking a curb and running a red light.
The officer reported that there was a “strong odor of alcoholic beverage coming from the passenger compartment” of the SUV. When asked about running the red light, Eagle, the only person in the vehicle, allegedly told the officer that he had thought the light was yellow.
The report states that a “strong odor of alcoholic beverage” was coming from Eagle’s breath, and his eyes were “bloodshot, watery and glassy.” Eagle denied consuming any alcoholic beverages.
When asked about the odor of alcohol coming from him, Eagle reportedly stated that he had had friends in the SUV earlier and they were at the bar.
Eagle declined the field sobriety exercises, allegedly stating that he was “good to get home.”
He was taken into custody and transported to the jail, where he refused to provide a breath sample.
In addition to the DUI?charge, Eagle was issued a citation for failure to obey a traffic control device.
On Tuesday, Eagle addressed the allegations against him in a released statement.
“While there are some decisions that I would have made differently, I do not believe there is a complete and accurate picture of the events,” he stated. “Under advice of my legal counsel, I cannot discuss all the details right now, but I look forward to publically sharing the entire story at an appropriate time.”
“Until then, I humbly ask for everyone’s patience,” Eagle stated. “I know that I am accountable for my actions, and I look forward to communicating with my constituents in the near future on this matter.”
– Associate editor Tiffany Repecki contributed to this report