
City of Cape Coral launches its redesigned Website

2 min read

The City of Cape Coral launched its redesigned website Thursday.

The new site features a more simplified main portal page with a focus on the City’s environmental and water-based attributes. The website is at

“As websites sometimes do, our site had become cluttered and outdated,” said city spokesperon Connie Barron in a prepared statement. “Through the redesign process, we have been able to clean up old information and remove a collection of broken links that had accumulated over time. We also condensed the main portal page, which had become a landing ground for far too much information.”

The site was redesigned by Revize, a government website design company in Michigan. The City paid about $20,000 for the new website, which included the migration of hundreds of files and documents from the old website. Revize will be hosting the City’s site and will provide a free redesign in five years.

The new site has easy access to many of the City’s most popular pages via the dropdown menu at the top of site. A prominent “Search” box also is on the main page. The site is set up using “responsive web design,” which automatically formats the website display depending on the device being used (computer, smartphones and tablets). The City also has created a central filing cabinet, Document Center, to provide access to City forms, reports, etc.

“We know regular visitors to the web page will require some time to adjust to the new format,” said Barron. “This is a new site, and we expect a few kinks along the way. We will address any issues that come up as quickly as possible.”

The switch from the old website template to the new website design will be occurring through Friday. The new website design will remain at the City’s current URL: