CCPD Do The Right Thing for honorees for February 2014 recognized
The Cape Coral Police recognized its “Do The Right Thing” honorees for February 2014 on Wednesday, Feb, 19 in City Council Chambers.
Eleven Cape Coral students who “did the right thing” were recognized:
Challenger Middle
Christian Davis 7th
GradeTrey Koza 7th Grade
Ryan Schleiden 7th Grade
Louis Alberio 7th Grade
Four young men from Challenger Middle, found a lost dog wearing a collar wandering in and out of the road on Skyline and Trafalgar Boulevards and at the 7-11 store. They took it upon themselves to ensure the safety of the dog by going to the nearby Dollar General store and purchasing rope to make a leash. They then brought the dog to Mr. Dworzanski, Assistant Principal at Challenger Middle School stating that they knew he would know what to do to help the dog. He arranged for one of the staff members to take the dog to a local veterinarian’s office. They found that the dog had a microchip and were able to locate the owner, who was coincidentally one of our own students! Traffic moves rather quickly on Skyline. They very well may have saved the dog from getting hit by a car. These young men demonstrated kindness, patience and compassion.
Christa McAuliffe
Charter School
Malley Menna 3rd Grade
Malley is a third grader from Christa McAuliffe Charter School. This is what her teacher, Christi Llanes had to say about her: Malley is not only very sweet, but she is also kind, caring, and giving. She helps anyone who needs it without even being asked. One thing that she does that really stands out is that she raises money for cancer research. She makes rubber loom jewelry and all proceeds she collects benefit cancer research. Malley demonstrates good character, compassion and benevolence.
Gulf Elementary
Isabella Tamedl – 5th Grade
Isabella is a fifth grader from Gulf Elementary. She volunteers with her mom at Coral Trace Health Care. Here is what the Activities/Volunteer Director Cindy Oster had to say about this young lady: “When I first met her, I was surprised that a cute young girl was so bubbly. Bella was ready to jump in and start. After we got her started she fit in here like she has been volunteering forever. She is a natural around the elderly. This is Bella’s first time volunteering in a Nursing facility. She helps out by passing mail to the residents and also if they just need someone to sit and chat. Bella also helped the Nursing Facility get ready for Thanksgiving and the holidays. At Coral Trace, they started a new charity called “Feed the Kids Campaign”. They collected over 1,000 canned food items and Bella gave up going to play with her friends to come in and help sort through all of it. Bella was proud of herself and we felt more honored to have her. We are very proud of Bella and feel like she has given back to her community and serve as a role model to others 100%. Bella demonstrates altruism, commitment and kindness.
Trynity Rodriguez-4th Grade
Trynity is a 4th grader at Gulf Elementary. Here is what her teacher, Ms. Bradshaw, had to say about her: During these economic hard times and sometimes lack of self control by some people, Trynity completely made the decision to bring money she had found at P.E. directly to me, no hesitation. Great job! Trynity demonstrated nothing but honesty and integrity.
Caloosa Middle School
Keirtris White – 7th Grade
Keirtris White is a 7th grader from Caloosa Middle School. This is what the ESE Department Head Susan Knox had this to say about Keirtris: Yesterday, while I was in the office of Caloosa Middle School a very nice young lady came in and returned a ten dollar bill. This was in the morning when the students were arriving to school. There was no reason why Keirtris could not have kept the ten dollars, but she did not. Instead she chose to do the right thing and returned it to the office. Keirtis understands times are difficult for people right now and that ten dollars was important enough and needed to be returned. Also, her honesty had a positive effect on me because it reminded me of the good in all people. Keirtris demonstrated honesty.
Joseph Brochu -8th Grade
Jospeph Brochu is an 8th grader from Caloosa Middle School. The ESE Department Head Susan Knox had this to say about Joseph: It is difficult to be a student in middle school, considering the bullying and name calling and being made fun of as some student may experience. We need more people like Joseph. Joseph can immediately see an unjust being spoken or acted on. What does Joseph do, instead of addressing the aggressor he will go to the person most affected by the insult and pick them up emotionally. An example, “don’t worry about what he said, come with me.” He is a friend to all. Another example of the positive outburst of energy Joseph provides Caloosa Middle School is his eagerness and enthusiasm to greet everyone he comes into contact with by their name. He is gifted in his kindness. His kindness is truly inspiring. Joseph spent much of his time at school in a life skills setting. He has become a social butterfly, but his kindness is expressed by wondering into life skills and supporting his friends who need him and teachers who miss him. He is exceptional and he is a friend to all. This all true! He is a great kid, a good role model. He likes to help others and realizes that when he does it makes him feel better about himself and all he has accomplished. Joseph demonstrates benevolence, empathy, good character, commitment and integrity.
Oasis Charter Middle
Sarah Jurkowski 8th Grade
Samantha Bebber 8th Grade
Sarah and Samantha, two eighth graders from Oasis Charter Middle School, worked at Samantha’s father store. The money that both young ladies worked for went towards purchase of Christmas gifts for less fortunate students. Sarah and Samantha both demonstrated compassion and altruism.
– Source:?Cape Coral Poice Department Do the Right Thing Program