
Updated: Swamp Sale event canceled

2 min read

Update: The vent has been canceled.

Original story:

Island Coast High School is hosting its inaugural Swamp Sale on Saturday, Feb. 1.

“We started planning this in November and picked that weekend to give everyone a chance to clean things out after the holidays to sell,” said coordinator Holly Sell.

Individuals, churches and other organizations are invited to rent booth space to sell craft items, creative gadgets, garage sale items or most anything to the public. Items also can be donated to be sold by the school.

Space rentals are $10 each with the option to rent a display table for an additional $10 per table. Reservations are required due to limited space available. The deadline to submit space rental forms is Jan. 24.

Funds raised by the school through space rental fees and the sale of donated items and concessions goes to the Pro Gator student reward program.

“Pro Gator rewards students across the campus that go above and beyond,” said Sell. “It rewards them for improving grades, cleaning up campus, various things like that.”

Cape Coral Fire Department personnel will be on the campus with their equipment. The junior class will conduct carnival games for kids. A bounce house and face painting will be offered as well as food and beverages sold by the athletics department during the Swamp Sale from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Rental forms are available at the school office, 2125 De Navarra Parkway, and online at: