Shed regulations amended
City Council Monday night passed an ordinance that amends city regulations to allow for sheds to be a permitted accessory structure in all residential zoning districts, but it did not have unanimous support of the members.
District 2 Councilman John Carioscia voted against the ordinance amendment. Sheds were only allowed in back yards before now.
The ordinance regulates the placement of the sheds to the side yard or back yard, as long as required setback are observed. Sheds in a side yard must be screened from view by using landscaping, a wall, or combination of both. They also are restricted to a maximum of 160 square feet.
Sheds were added to the list of permitted accessory structures for single-family or duplex residential property, but not for vacant lots. The list of permitted accessory structures now includes sheds, garages, satellite antennas, sun shelters, gazebos, play houses and recreational facilities.
In other action:
* A resolution urging tobacco retailers in Cape Coral to voluntarily restrict the sale and marketing of candy-flavored tobacco products aimed at young consumers also met with mild resistance, but passed by a 6-2 vote. Island Coast High School students representing Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT), made a brief presentation to council about the health hazards associated with tobacco products. However, the resolution does not restrict the sale of those products in any way, just asking for voluntary compliance.
* An ordinance authorizing the city to enter into a five-year lease agreement with D&D Matlacha Bait & Tackle on Pine Island Road for the use of city property along the canal waterfront adjoining the shop for boat storage, parking and docking purposes passed unanimously. The agreement generates a share of the revenue for the city from rental and storage fees charged patrons by D&D. The monthly rental fee to the city includes a modest increase to $3,000 per month.
* Council unanimously approved an ordinance allowing pre-existing single family residences that are used as a model home in the Marketplace Residential district to retain their status as pre-existing residences under certain conditions.
* Council corrected an error regarding property on Northwest 37th Place owned by Alvis and Joan Dobson. For unknown reasons, the city was inadvertently added by a title company as a grantee on the warranty deed conveying the property to the Dobsons in a 2003 sales transaction. The city voted to execute a Quit Claim Deed document removing all claim to the parcel.
* Council and City Attorney Dolores Menendez recognized attorney Brian Bartos for 15 years of service on the city attorney’s staff, describing him as an invaluable asset.
* Looking ahead to the next meeting on Jan. 27, council heard the first reading of two resolutions regarding model home sites in single-family residential zones that will be subject to public input at that meeting.