
Splashing all the way to the end

2 min read

Another season is coming to an end at Sun Splash Family Waterpark in Cape coral, which means $7 admission for the remaining two weeks of operation.

In addition to $7 admission for the weekends of fun, Sun Splash visitors can also enjoy 25 percent off of merchandise from the gift shop, along with food specials.

“Overall we had a really great year,” Sun Splash Manager Sandy Greiner said this week about the overall attendance figures.

She said although the park’s income suffered this year due to the Lee County School District starting its school year earlier, she believes the facility will be able to make it up during the final two weeks of operation.

“I am looking forward to next year when the Lee County School District goes in more of our favor,” Greiner said. “This year that 10 days really hurt us.”

She said although the watepark lost the 10 days of operation, the attendance was almost neck and neck with last year.

Before the park closes for this year, a few of the facility’s popular programs will be offered one more time.

The final Aqua Theatre Night of the season will be held Friday, Sept. 23, from 6-10 p.m., featuring the showing of “Despicable Me.” Admission is $7.

Greiner said as the summer goes on the Aqua Theatre gains momentum of those who want to sit in their tubes on while watching a movie in the water.

Yappy Hour will also be offered again this year after Sun Splash closes on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 1 and 2. Greiner said the event provides individuals with the opportunity to bring their dogs to the park to swim in the pools.

Since the event attracted 174 dogs last year, she said this year she thought she would hold the event over a two-day period.

“It was really fun last year,” Greiner said.

Admission is $10 for dogs and free for their human friends.

She encourages the community to come out and support Sun Splash through the end of the season on Sept. 25.

“I would love to see you there,” Greiner said, offering an invitation to stop by the park.

Sun Splash is located at 400 Santa Barbara Blvd.