
Boyfriend named suspect in disappearance of teacher

2 min read

Lee County Sheriffs Detectives have named Daniel Proctor as a suspect in the disappearance of Amy Patterson, a Mariner Middle School teacher missing since mid-July.

The investigation has revealed that Patterson is “likely” a victim of domestic homicide, according to a press release from the Lee County Sheriffs office early last week.

Proctor is believed to have fled in Patterson’s vehicle to Alabama, where the vehicle was discovered.

Proctor then stole another vehicle, a 1997 Ford Explorer with Alabama tag 47N82T2.

He is believed to armed and dangerous, having also stolen a .38 caliber handgun, according to the report.

Patterson, 41, of 16005 Bowline St., Bokeelia, has not been seen or heard from since mid- to late July. A teacher at Mariner Middle School, she did not report for work when classes began July 25.

Joe Donzelli, the spokesman for the Lee County School District, said Patterson was hired in August 2010. She taught science at Mariner Middle.

Officials are asking for the public’s assistance in locating Patterson and Proctor.

Proctor, 44. and Patterson lived together at the Bokeelia residence.

Although they lived on Pine Island, it is believed that Proctor is originally from Alabama. According to Brian Corbett at the Alabama Department of Corrections, Procotor served 1 year and six months of probation of third degree burglary in Madison County, Ala. His probation ended Dec 28, 1989, according to Corbett.

Proctor is expected to be headed back to Florida, according to a note discovered in Alabama.

Anyone coming into contact with Proctor, his vehicle or having information concerning his whereabouts is asked to contact Lee County Sheriff’s Det. Jeff Brown at 239-477-1050, according to a LCSO press release. Information can also be directed to the LCSO Communication Division at 239-477-1000.