
‘Crossing of America’ tour gets Cape welcome

2 min read


Seventy-eight days into their journey the “Crossing of America” tour made its way to Cape Coral and was greeted by veterans, elected officials and citizens who wanted to show those taking part they appreciated their efforts.

The tour is the brainchild of San Diego based “Spirit of Liberty Foundation,” a non-profit organization that promotes the meaning of liberty and the associated symbolism in this country.

Beginning on the deck of the USS Midway in San Diego, CA, the tour is making its way across the country, and will eventually conclude on board the USS Intrepid in New York City, to mark the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

When it’s all said and done, the two Jeeps, draped in Old Glory, will have traveled more than 12,700 miles, through 43 states and Washington, D.C.

Mayor John Sullivan, who read a proclamation claiming Aug. 12 as “Crossing of America Day” in the city, said the efforts of tour were honorable and inspirational.

“It’s inspirational the number of people the Crossing of America tour has brought together while on their journey,” Sullivan said.

Jordan Harvey, one of the Jeep’s crew, said the opportunity to cross the country and spread the word of their mission has been exciting and inspirational.

They received a warm welcome while in Houston, Texas, Harvey said.

But Cape Coral’s welcome wagon was incredible.

“This is one of the best we’ve had. This is phenomenal,” Harvey said.

The crew of the Crossing of America tour was scheduled to be led by a Lee County Sheriff’s escort over to Galeana Jeep in Fort Myers following the ceremony in Cape Coral.

The Crossing of America tour was brought to the attention of people like Doug Reiter from Galeana Jeep by the Southwest Florida Caloosa Jeepers, a club dedicated to all things Jeep.

Cape resident Harry Beeman, a member of the local VFW post, said Cape Coral was the perfect place to welcome the Crossing of America tour, and to honor the efforts of the Spirit of Liberty Foundation.

“We’re proud to boast that we have the most retired veterans, per capita, than any other city in America,” Beeman said.

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