
Burglars take van, electronics, jewelry from Cape home

1 min read

A van, electronics and jewelry were reported stolen from a home Tuesday.

The Cape Coral police responded to a report of a burglary at about 5 p.m. in the 700 block of Southwest Santa Barbara Place. A man stated that he had arrived home to find the front door pried open, and the van and items gone.

The van is a 1996 Ford Windstar with the Florida tag ST0ILE1.

The vehicle is valued at about $8,000, according to a police report.

Other items missing are a Toshiba laptop, a black Dell notebook, an Acer netbook Panthera HD, a black Samsung mobile phone, a silver iPod shuffle, a black steel Fossil watch, a HTC HD2 mobile phone, a pair of Reebok Zigsonic sneakers, a women’s wallet, a Visa credit card and about $350 in cash.

The total loss is valued at approximately $10,894.

Anyone with information can contact the Cape Coral Police Department at 574-3223, or submit a tip by texting “CCPD” plus the message to CRIMES or by visiting: Tipsters can also contact Southwest Florida Crime Stoppers at (800) 780-TIPS (8477) and be eligible for a cash reward.