
Hope PACE Center sets open house

3 min read

An open house will be held later this month for an all-inclusive elder care program in Fort Myers for those who wish to stay independent and at home, but still are in need of medical attention.
John Strickling, community relations director of Hope HealthCare Services, said the Hope PACE Center is a relatively new program. They scheduled the open house to draw more attention to the services offered.
“We want to make as many people in the community aware of the special things we offer as possible,” he said. “The efforts to raise awareness are ongoing.”
The open house, which will be held on July 19 from 6:30 p.m. -8:30 p.m. at the Hope PACE Center, will give interested individuals the chance to tour the facility and learn about the programs offered.
Reservations, which are needed to attend the open house, can be done by calling 239-985-7789 or by visiting The center is at 2668 Winkler Ave. in Fort Myers.
The Florida Department of Elder Affairs will have a representative present at the open house to answer any questions about the SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders) program that anyone may have.
“It may help them to get benefits they are entitled to,” Strickling said.
The Hope PACE Center facility opened in 2008 for community members who are at least 55 years old and live in Lee or Charlotte Counties.
Strickling said there are just under 200 individuals enrolled in the program right now.
“We still have plenty of capacity for more,” he said.
Strickling said the center is for people who want to hold onto their independence and continue living at home while having health care services brought to them.
The cost of the program depends on each individual’s Medicare and Medicaid eligibility. There is a fee for those who are not Medicaid eligible. Those who wish to pay privately for the program may do so as well.
Once enrolled in the program, participants will receive primary medical and nursing care; medications and medical equipment; lab and diagnostic services; occupational, speech and physical therapy; skilled home care and personal care aides, along with specialized physician care when needed.
Strickling said since people need this type of support, they offer the services needed to make that happen.
Those who are in the program can come to the center during the day and participate in social activities, arts, crafts, games and ballroom dancing while having a good time with others in the program. Medical check-ups are offered at the center as well.
“It’s a joy to see people who need this kind of support can come together at the center and find added happiness and comfort in their lives,” he said. “It is a pleasure to see them enjoying themselves … have fun and receive the medical care that they need.”
Those who attend the center are picked up by buses at their home and later dropped off when they are done.
“They really enjoy being with other people,” Strickling said about the program. “It has added to the quality of their lives.”
In addition, the program also offers support for the family members.
Stickling said it offers family members peace of mind because they know their loved ones are in a safe and comfortable environment.
He said this is an essential program right now because baby boomers are reaching the age in which they are going to need more medical care.
He said the population is living longer and remaining more active as they age.