
Registration starts for Back to School Bash Shoe and Carnival

2 min read

If you have a child in need of shoes or back-to-school supplies, registration is now on for a Back To School Shoes and Carnival event to be held Saturday, July 30, by the Grace Church and Grace Community Center.
Heather Evans, the director of Age Level Ministries and Small Wonders Preschool, is coordinating the event.
“Those who have a child in need are asked to register at the church. You will be asked for the child’s shoe size and age,” she said.
“This event is where kids will get a free pair of shoes and some school supplies. But the kids need to be pre-register by the July 15 so that we have the correct sizes of shoes.
“This is the first partnership in an idea inspired by Samaritan’s Feet — they are an organization that provides shoes to people all around the world,” she said. “Our congregation will actually support 350 children for this event, in which we will be providing shoes.”
She has been on staff at the church for four years, and brought the idea to the table.
“For needy kids, they will be an indoor carnival and they will receive new shoes and back to school supplies, and vision screenings for children will also be held.”
The actual event is July 30 from 1 to 4 p.m.
Those who have a child in need are asked to register at the church. When parents register for shoes, they will be included in the event.
“With the shoes, we want the children to be able to start the new school year on the right foot,” she said.
“We’re just asking that people bring their kids, and hope the community will support the event with school supplies.”
For information, or to register or offer supplies, stop at the church, which is at the corner of Orange Grove Boulevard and Hancock Bridge Parkway, or call Evans at 573-6890 at the church from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday.
The Grace Community Center, which will host the event, is located at 4151 Hancock Bridge Parkway.