
Schools turn to fireworks fund raisers

3 min read

With a down economy, a high school boosters club decided to take matters into its owns hands to help raise money for their football team.
Jorge Mazur became a member of the football boosters club, Black and Blue Touchdown Crew for Ida Baker High School two years ago when his son began playing the sport.
Mazur said after he heard about the idea of having a fireworks fund raiser from Head Coach Brian Conn, he began looking at firework companies online.
TNT Fireworks, which is based out of Florence, Ala., has provided its assistance to non-profit organizations for the past 40 years by giving them the tools they need to operate and sell TNT fireworks at stands and tents in their community. The company raises more than $20 million every year to help various organizations.
“TNT Fireworks is really a great company to pair with,” Mazur said, because they are looking to raise money in today’s tough economic times. “The fact that they are still willing to give back says something about the company.”
“By participating in our fundraising program, these non-profit groups not only have the opportunity to provide their communities with fireworks, sparklers and novelties, but they also have access to the resources needed to continue making a difference in the communities they serve,” President of TNT Fireworks East Tommy Glasgow said in a prepared statement.
Mazur said last time they held the fund raiser they raised $4,600 for the Ida Baker High School football team.
“The community really jumped into it,” he said about the restaurants and businesses which also provided items to be raffled off during the event.
Mazur said the fund raiser was more like a community picnic because the community came together to enjoy themselves while making a fireworks purchase.
Mazur said that TNT Fireworks made the fund raiser easy for them to hold because all he had to do was provide the volunteers.
The company provided the safety and education information the volunteers needed to sell fireworks.
The company also made sure they pulled all the correct permits the Black and Blue Touchdown Crew needed to sell fireworks in Cape Coral, along with assembling the tent, signs and advertising.
“All we have to provide is the volunteers to make it successful,” Mazur said. “It’s nice to see when a successful company gives back to the community to make it successful.”
Since the first year was successful for the Black and Blue Touchdown Crew, Mazur said, they decided to hold the fireworks fundraiser for the Cape Coral Christian Academy football team.
Mazur said they are hoping to raise between $5,000 and $10,000 for the Cape Crusaders. He said since it is only the second year the private school has had a team, it is important to raise additional funds for their football team.
This year Mazur said The Cape Crusaders will be selling TNT fireworks for Cape Coral Christian Academy fund raiser on the corner of Del Prado Boulevard and Pine Island Road. He said a tent will be set up on that corner from late June through July 5.