
Sunrise service shares message of hope

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Drew Winchester Special guest music pastor Paul Jennings addresses the hundreds of people who gathered to celebrate the resurrection on Easter Sunday at the Cape Coral Yacht Club. The Sunrise Service has been a mainstay at the Yacht Club for over 30 years.

The message of the Sunrise Service at the Yacht Club Easter Morning was one of renewal, of hope, of
moving through personal struggles to bring Christ into your life.
Guest music minister Paul Jennings said Easter was an opportunity to be meek before the Lord and bold before our neighbors, and to know humility through the sacrifices Jesus made.
“Christ was a lamb, a symbol of innocence,” Jennings said. “He taught us love and the day of his crucifixion he was humble.”
Hosted by A Life in Christ Church, the church has been inviting the community to the Yacht Club to watch the sun rise on Easter morning for more than three decades.
Pastor Leah J. Hileman said the service was meant to challenge those who attend, but also to inspire.
“You only get out of this service what you put in,” Hileman said.
Singing original compositions like “Little Child”, Jennings shared personal testimony about how he found Jesus and dedicated his life to the gospel.
Jennings said he lives every day of his life, not just Easter morning, knowing that Jesus gave his life for mankind.
He said it was important, especially in songs like “Little Child”, to be humble for the Lord because of that sacrifice.
“We become selfish,” Jennings said. “When I came to Christ I wanted to be as innocent as I could be.”