
Rescued dog reunited with owner

2 min read

Lee County deputies resuced a dog lost in a heavily wooded and swampy preserve Tuesday night and re-united the animal with its upset owner who called because she could hear her pet barking in distress.
Lee County Sheriff’s Office dispatch received the call shortly before 11 pm. from 8181 Cleave Road, North Fort Myers, from a woman who lost her dog in the woods. The caller was very distraught because she could hear her 14-year-old lab/chow mix barking in the preserve near her home. She could not find the animal and feared it was either stuck or trapped in the dense area.
When members of the Lee County Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit arrived, they knew immediately that the preserve area was going to be difficult to navigate due to thick brush and deep water. All three K9 handlers entered the swamp, wading through trees, bushes, mud and water before eventually locating the lost dog. The three deputies then took turns carrying the animal out of the swamp before reuniting it with its owner.
Thanks to their efforts, the rescue took less than one hour.
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office would like to recognize the effort and commitment of these three men and commend them for going above and beyond the call of duty, officials said in a prepared statement Wednesday.

Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Office