
Boca Grande needs late push in ‘Ultimate’ race

2 min read

Boca Grande is in danger of not making the cut as the “Ultimate Fishing Town.”
The World Fishing Network is conducting an unscientific poll regarding the ultimate place to fish in regions all around the United States. Kissimmee and Destin lead third-place Boca Grande by roughly 600 votes.
The entire state of Florida comprises one region and only the top two towns will advance in the competition. If votes hold during the five days left in the first round of voting to cast a ballot at, Destin and Kissimmee will eliminate Boca Grande.
It’s more than just a vanity contest. The World Fishing Network will pay the winner $25,000 in prize money to be used toward any fishing-related causes plus 10 new WaveSpin reels.
After the first round of voting, the top two destinations in each region move to the finals to compete against 19 other finalists.
An individual can vote every six hours or as many as four times per day.
“I am making sure I maximize my votes,” said Lew Hastings, Boca Grande Area Chamber of Commerce managing director. “Anything you can do to help spread the word would help. You can blog about it, post on your Facebook, use Twitter or even bring it up to your club members. Boca Grande is definitely the Ultimate Fishing Town. Let’s prove it and win this competition.”