Orioles’ send kids to camp poker run and fund-raiser Saturday
They’ve supported local families in need at Thanksgiving and Christmas time, held a poker run to benefit Corey Kent, a soldier from Cape Coral injured in Afghanistan, and last year, sent numerous local children to camp.
This week, the Women’s Auxiliary of the North Fort Myers Fraternal Order of the Orioles Nest 301 will host a poker run and food and fun fund-raiser to send even more children to camp this summer.
“We’ve upped the ante,” said Auxiliary Vice President Ida Chacko, in reference to the goal and the poker run. “We want to send as many to camp as possible. These are children that otherwise may not have this opportunity this summer.”
“Our goal is to send 50 kids to camp, as many as we can,” said trustee Kenny Cox.
Last year, they presented a check for $1,400 to the North Fort Myers Community Center to make the summer better for local children for camp and after-school programs.
Camps are run through the North Fort Myers Community Park and Recreation Center and local children will be the beneficiaries. Senior Recreation Specialist Christine Susterich has worked with the Orioles in the past to provide camp experiences through their donations.
“What a great fund raiser by the North Fort Myers Orioles to bring North Fort Myers kids to camp,” she said of the upcoming event. “We’re hoping to also send teens to our Teen Camp, as well as younger children.
The poker run will start at the Orioles’ location, at 13290 N. Cleveland Ave. Registration will be held from 9-10 a.m., with kick-stands up at 10:30 a.m.
From there, the first stop will be Diamond Billiards in Cape Coral, then Slipknot Bar of Punta Gorda, Shores Bar and Grill and end at the Orioles.
It is $15 to ride, $10 extra hand/rider.
If you don’t want to ride, you can join them at 4:30 p.m. for great food and great music for a donation of just $6.
Key Women’s Auxiliary members include president Sandi Walts, Vice President Ida Chacko, Treasurer Pam Cupps and Secretary Megan Potts, along with Sandy Mack.
“This gives children a chance to see what a community can do,” said Chacko of those that will benefit from the camp funds. “Maybe when they grow up, they’ll give back, too.”
“The children remember the experience,” said Cupps. She noted that several have stopped Orioles members around the community to say thank you. “It makes you feel good.”
If you can’t make the event, the Orioles will accept donations — monetary and children’s items such as drink boxes and snacks at the Nest.
They are also looking for any business that would like to partner with them for this fund-raiser.
They have already raised funds through shamrock card sales, and have plans for future fund-raising. “We do new shoes to start school with, and last year at Christmas we helped families with everything from shoes to food to musical instruments and toys,” said Cupps.
“It’s going to be a great event, with great food and music, by our auxiliary” said Kenny Cox. “The women’s auxiliary is the backbone of Orioles 301.”
The North Fort Myers Fraternal Order of the Orioles Nest 301 is located at 13290 North Cleveland Ave. For information, call 656-6440.