
Five receive Do The Right Thing honors

3 min read

The Cape Coral Police Department held its monthly Do The Right Thing ceremony Wednesday at City Hall.

Overall winners
— Christopher Wynn, 5th grade, Skyline Elementary, son of Valerie and Lavelle Wynn
— Jordan Heffner, 5th grade, Skyline Elementary, son of Kelly and Michael Heffner
Jordan and Christopher have been instrumental in providing support for Skyline’s Food Backpack program. Each week, thanks to Community Cooperative Ministries Incorporated, Skyline sends home nearly 100 backpacks filled with food for those students whose families are experiencing financial difficulties. Jordan and Chris provide support each morning by collecting and setting up backpacks so they can be filled. The boys help to set up the food on Thursdays so it’s easy to dispense, then fill wagons with backpacks on Fridays for delivery. Jordan and Chris are an essential part of the team.

— Meghan Luz, 8th grade, Challenger Middle, daughter of Gilbert and Eileen Luz
Meghan is a leader. She doesn’t follow others so as to fit in, but stands up for what is right despite peer pressure. At school, she is a member of the National Junior Honor Society where she upholds the standards of scholarship, leadership, character, citizenship and service. She is very mature and can be counted on to work with students who are struggling. Outside of school, Meghan is a dancer and is currently working with others to choreograph dances for competition. She also has a heart for service. Her mom works at All Children’s Hospital and Megan goes along to visit with the children, organize their play area and makes bracelets for them to make them smile. She is said to be a joy to know and an asset to school and community.

— Collin Propst, 7th grade, Challenger Middle, son of James and Michele Godwin
Collin’s sister entered their house and told Collin that a huge tree next to the light post in the neighbor’s yard was on fire. They grabbed the fire extinguisher and knocked on the neighbor’s door. Collin began to put out the fire, emptying the extinguisher, then grabbed a garden hose. The garden hose wasn’t long enough to reach so Collin got another one but could not connect them because there were no couplings on them, so Collin directed his cousin to hold the hoses tightly together with his hands in order to get water through them while Collin directed the water flow toward the flames. When the fire department arrived, the fire was already out. They requested that Collin continue to spray the coals so the fire didn’t start up again. It is because of Collin’s prompt action and creative thinking that the fire did not spread any further.

— Olivia Resendes, grade K, Gulf Elementary, daughter of Rachelle and Mark Resendes
Olivia’s class celebrated its 100th day of school in February with an assignment. Each child was to choose an object, count out 100 of them, and make it into a picture or project of some kind. Olivia’s project consisted on 100 hand-made Valentine cards which she made for children in the hospital who could not go to school for their Valentine party. On the Sunday before Valentine’s Day, Feb. 13, Olivia delivered her cards to the hospital.