
Couple arrested on multiple burglary charges

2 min read

On Thursday, March 17, Cape Coral Police detectives arrested Jack Bullock, 29, of 4812 S.W. 2nd Place, Cape Coral, and Brittany Lehew, 26, of 4709 Palm Tree Blvd., Apt. 3, Cape Coral, on numerous residential burglary and grand theft charges.
On Feb. 21, Cape police officers responded to a burglary at a home on Southwest 2nd Place. The victim reported that she was away from her home from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to attend a church function. During that time, someone broke into her home and stole jewelry, a cell phone and blank checks.
Officer Thomas Wagner processed the scene and obtained fingerprints from the sliding glass door (the point of entry). The prints were analyzed by the department’s forensics unit and were found to be a match for Lehew, police report.
Detectives began a search for Lehew and her boyfriend, Bullock, who was a suspect in a few other burglaries. On March 17, detectives got a tip on where the two might be and set up surveillance on the location. At noon, the two were seen leaving the residence in a vehicle. A traffic stop was conducted and the two were taken into custody.
At police headquarters, detectives Kerns and Hicks interviewed Lehew and Bullock. The two reportedly admitted to committing at least 14 burglaries. Lehew and Bullock rode around with detectives Goliszeski and Luzarraga and pointed out the houses they had broken into.
Detective Lebid obtained a search warrant for the couple’s home and vehicle. Reports indicate the search led to the recovery of several stolen firearms, flat screen TVs and thousands of dollars worth of jewelry.