
Fire damages Cape home

1 min read

A home in northwest Cape Coral is uninhabitable following a fire Tuesday morning.
A call came in at 8:43 a.m. about smoke coming out of a home at 3116 N.E. Seventh Place, according to city spokeswoman Connie Barron. The fire had started in a bedroom and there was no one was home at the time.
Barron said it took Cape fire units about 18 minutes to put of the fire. Officials red-tagged the home, meaning it is unlivable until repairs are made.
As of Tuesday afternoon, the type of fire damage and extent of damage to the home was unknown. Barron also was unaware of the monetary damage to the residence because of the fire.
Barron had no information on the residents of the home, but said that they are renters.
An investigation continues.