
Paradise Tiki Hut plans its annual Thanksgiving meal

2 min read

Paradise Tiki Hut will host a free Thanksgiving meal for those who either have no place to go or have no means of having a traditional meal.
The complimentary meal will be served from 1-6 p.m. Nov. 26.
General manager Cynthia Roepke said this is the first Thanksgiving meal being offered under the new ownership at Paradise Tiki Hut. The meal was a tradition under the previous ownership for more than 10 years.
“We shouldn’t break the tradition, we should keep it going,” she said.
Roepke said she believes there are more than 1,000 people in need this Thanksgiving.
“My goal is to feed the people,” she said. “I’m lucky enough to work with the owner to allow me to do this.”
Roepke said they are currently seeking cash donations for the meal and volunteers to help serve the food, along with paper plates, napkins and plastic utensils.
The Thanksgiving dinner will consist of a traditional turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce and a green bean casserole.
Children’s cupcakes have already been donated for the dinner, she said.
Free live entertainment will be available during the meal from Angie & the Perfect Gentlemen.
“We will have a sponsor area where those who attend will see those who contributed to make their Thanksgiving enjoyable,” Roepke said in a prepared statement.
No reservations are required to attend the Thanksgiving meal.
Paradise Tiki Hut is located at 1502 Miramar St.
For information, contact Roepke at 540-8454 or e-mail