
CRA approves $100,000 for new Sweetbay store

2 min read

The Cape Coral Community Redevelopment Agency awarded $100,000 of grant money to Sweetbay Supermarkets to help the grocery chain give a facelift to its future home.
The Shops at Cape Coral Parkway, the former home of a Publix Supermarket, will be the site of the Sweetbay relocation.
The grant money will help to fuel the $350,000 total cost of the renovations, focusing specifically on the Ace Hardware and West Marine stores also located in the plaza.
The money will be available after the work has been completed.
CRA board members were generally pleased by the facade renovations, but found one aspect of the plan disturbing.
The renovation calls for a fence to run the length of the rear of the store, which fronts Miramar Street.
Both aesthetics and safety were concerns.
Vice Chairman Don Heisler said he did not want the board to micromanage the project, but he thought the developer could work with the CRA to make some concessions in the plans.
“Since we’re throwing a hundred thousand at this project … maybe some consideration could be given to something else than a fence,” Heisler said.
The CRA board unanimously approved the facade grant application, with the proviso the applicant blend landscaping and fencing techniques for a more pleasing and safe effect at the store’s rear.
The CRA board also directed staff to amend the facade grant application process to include conditions from the board, to be implemented as the board sees fit.
Board Member Scott Hertz said he felt the board has the right to implement any conditions it sees fit as the board’s sole mission and the goal of the grant money is to improve the CRA district.
He added that the program has been successful, but there is still grant money, perhaps too much, available.
“Unfortunately, people aren’t beating down our doors to get this money,” Hertz said.