
Twentieth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission announces one vacancy in the Twentieth Judicial Circuit Court

2 min read

The Twentieth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission announces one vacancy in the Twentieth Judicial Circuit Court resulting from the pending retirement of Circuit Court Judge Lawrence Martin.
Applicants must have been a member of The Florida Bar for the preceding five years, a registered voter and must be a resident of the territorial jurisdiction of the court at the time he or she assumes office.
Applications can be downloaded from The Florida Bar’s Web site ( and are also available from the office of the chair:
Sharon M. Hanlon, Esq, chair
Twentieth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission
Zelman & Hanlon, P.A.
5633 Naples Blvd.
Naples, Florida 34109
An original and nine copies of the completed application and attachments must be delivered to Sharon M. Hanlon, Esq, Chair of the 20th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission. The deadline for submission of the application is Thursday, Oct. 29 at 5 P.M. The submission of a photograph is encouraged. Incomplete applications and applications received after the deadline may not be considered.
Interviews will be conducted Monday, Nov. 16, and Tuesday, Nov. 17, at the offices of Cohen Grigsby, P.E., 27200 Riverview Center Blvd; Suite 309, Bonita Springs, FL 34134.
Members of the bench, bar and the public are encouraged to contact members of the Commission concerning applicants for judicial positions.
Members of the 20th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission are Lisa Barnett, Esq; Christopher Vernon, Esq; John Hooley, Esq; Susan Reynolds; Randall McGruther, Esq; Jack Hackett, II, Esq; Douglas Rankin, Esq; Jason Korn, Esq; and Sharon M. Hanlon, Esq. A complete listing for each member is available from The Florida Bar’s Web site or from Ms Hanlon.

Source: Florida Bar