
City, Pet Kingdom plan live pet show

1 min read

A Real Live Pet Show, along with a crafts night, will be held from 6-9 p.m. Friday at the Cape Coral Yacht Club for a night full of fun, hands on and educational activities for animal lovers.
Amy McGarry, of the Cape Coral Parks and Recreation Department, said there will be craft tables set up from 6-7 p.m. and an exotic pet show presented by Pet Kingdom from 7-8 p.m.
The cost is $5 and individuals can either pre-register or pay at the door.
She said the exotic pet show will feature snakes, a kangaroo, lizards, birds and a monkey. Children will have an opportunity to touch some of the animals.
“It’s a fun night, but it’s kind of noisy,” McGarry said. “Anybody that loves animals can come.”
Popcorn, candy and juices will be for sale.
“We have done it for several years,” she said. “We hope to get a decent turnout.”
The Real Live Pet Show will be put on by the Cape Coral Parks and Recreation Department in conjunction with Pet Kingdom.
The Cape Coral Yacht Club is located at 5819 Driftwood Parkway. For additional information, call 574-0806.