
Okaloacoochee Slough State Forest ‘visit day’ set for Oct. 10

1 min read

Learn about the wild places and get outdoors to have fun in a state forest that’s not too far from our backyard.
Everyone is invited to the Okaloacoochee Slough State Forest in Hendry County, south of Labelle, Saturday, Oct. 10, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Foresters, rangers and volunteers will be on-hand to help visitors explore the forest and learn about the many outdoor activities it offers.

Adventures include:
· walking tours of the state forest on foot and in vans
· spring onto the wetland walkway
· touch an attack firefighter bulldozer
· spray water out of a fire engine
· see animals that live out on the state forest
· touch plants and learn about destructive plants and animals
· learn how to identify and plant trees and shrubs
· play games

The event is part of Get Outdoors Florida!, an cooperative effort to encourage families to explore outdoor spaces available throughout the state.
Okaloacoochee Slough State Forest is about 13 miles southeast of Labelle on County Road 832. Look for the signs.
Go to for more information.

Source: State Parks system