
Insectarium Exhibit to open at Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium

2 min read

A new Insectarium exhibit will open at the Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium Sept. 26.
Join the Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium as they explore the vast, varied, and fascinating world of insects in our newest exhibit room, the Insectarium! This one-of-a kind exhibit will provide adults and children alike the opportunity to immerse themselves in the microcosmos of the insect, and view life from a “bug’s eye view.” Hosting live insect specimens and interactive displays for adults and children, the Insectarium will awe, inspire, and educate visitors about the benefits of insects, their complexity, and separate insect fact from fiction.
Visitors attending the Insectarium grand opening will be able to meet live insects up close, make buggy crafts, meet an entomologist and ask bug questions, dress like a bug, taste cricket cookies, and have a favorite bug painted on their faces. Activities will be held throughout the day. Teachers, this is a great opportunity to preview our newest guided program for your class field trips!
Admission to the Insectarium Grand Opening, set for 10 a.m.-3 p.m., is included with regular Nature Center admission, which is $9 for adults, $6 for children (ages 3-12) and free for members and children ages 2 and younger. This also includes admission to the Natural History Museum, trails, and all planetarium shows this day. Call 275-3435 for more information.

Source: Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium