
SAT scores for Lee County lower than state’s

2 min read

Scores for the Scholastic Aptitude Test were released Wednesday showing a decline in college readiness in Lee County.
The SAT test is the preeminent college entrance exam that under many circumstances can be the deciding factor on whether a student is accepted into a university.
Scores on the exam are graded from 200 to 800 and tests critical reading, math and writing skills.
According to a report from the Florida Department of Education, 36 percent of high school seniors in Lee County — 1,995 students — took the SAT this year. This is a decrease from 2008 when 2,131 seniors, or 40 percent, took the test.
Scores in Lee County were lower than the state and decreased slightly from 2008.
In this year’s results, Lee County students scored 485 in reading, 481 in math and 466 in writing. In 2008 they scored 488 in reading, 486 in math and 470 in writing.
The 2009 state average on the SAT is 497 in reading, 498 in math and 480 in writing.
The amount of minority students taking the SAT has increased in Florida over the last decade. The number of black test takers increased by 10 percent, Hispanics by 5 percent and and Asians by 4 percent, leading to increased opportunities for more students.
Last week the district released scores on the ACT test, another exam testing college readiness that is used by students who fail the FCAT exam three or more times.
While the district had 427 more students signing up to take the test, the average composite score decreased to 18.6 — the state average is 19.5.
According to Superintendent James Browder, scores on the ACT decreased because more students signed up for the exam.
“We are all about giving our students every opportunity to succeed, and if that means our overall scores don’t look good to some, that’s fine,” he said in a prepared statement.