1. Remove impaired drivers from the roadway.

2. Reduce the likelihood impaired drivers will operate their vehicles on our roadways.

3. Heighten awareness.

4. Educate the public on the dangers of drunk driving."/>
1. Remove impaired drivers from the roadway.

2. Reduce the likelihood impaired drivers will operate their vehicles on our roadways.

3. Heighten awareness.

4. Educate the public on the dangers of drunk driving."/>
1. Remove impaired drivers from the roadway.

2. Reduce the likelihood impaired drivers will operate their vehicles on our roadways.

3. Heighten awareness.

4. Educate the public on the dangers of drunk driving." />

Sobriety checkpoint announced

1 min read

A DUI sobriety checkpoint is scheduled for this weekend, beginning Friday, July 10. The operation will take place in an undisclosed location as part of the national “Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest” campaign. Checkpoint emphasis is placed on the following:
1. Remove impaired drivers from the roadway.
2. Reduce the likelihood impaired drivers will operate their vehicles on our roadways.
3. Heighten awareness.
4. Educate the public on the dangers of drunk driving.
Daily enforcement, sobriety checkpoints and saturation patrols by deputies with the Sheriff’s Office are a part of on-going efforts to curb traffic fatalities, injuries and crashes in Lee County. Various community partnerships, including planned DUI sobriety checkpoints, are established with the goal of educating and informing the public on traffic safety issues.

Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Office