
‘Click It or Ticket’ enforcement scheduled

1 min read

The Fort Myers Police Department is joining state and local law enforcement agencies and highway safety groups in supporting an aggressive national Click It or Ticket seat belt enforcement campaign beginning today, May 18, through May 31. Police will be ticketing unbelted drivers and passengers around the clock-day and night.
According to the National Highway Transportation Administration seat belts are the single most effective piece of safety equipment in a vehicle. Yet studies show that nearly one out of five Americans still fails to wear a seat belt. When worn correctly seat belts reduce the risk of fatal injury to front seat car occupants by 45- percent and by 60-percent in pickup trucks, SUVs and minivans.
Police would also like to remind motorists of the new law that allows police to ticket solely for not wearing seatbelts, without observing another traffic violation. Starting June 30 adults caught not buckled-up in the front seat could face a $30 fine. The law already allows for enforcement for drivers and passengers under the age of 18.

Source: Fort Myers POlice Department