
Mack receives ‘Taxpayers’ Friend Award’ from National Taxpayers Union

1 min read

WASHINGTON – Congressman Connie Mack (FL-14) received the “Taxpayers’ Friend Award” recently from the National Taxpayers Union for his efforts to reduce spending and government regulation and for his opposition to tax increases. Mack is one of only 39 Members of Congress to receive the award.
“Today, Tax Day, is another stark reminder that our nation’s complex tax system and Washington’s out-of-control federal spending burden American families and businesses,” Mack said. “As I have said time and again, our country’s long-term freedom, security and prosperity depends on a government that taxes less, spends less, and regulates less.
“I’m honored to be recognized by the National Taxpayers Union and will continue to support policies that cut taxes, reduce federal spending, and limit the size and scope of government.”
The National Taxpayers Union rated the voting records for each Member of Congress from the second session of the 110th Congress. More information can be found at

Source: Office of Connie Mack