Resident organizes tea party to protest possible service tax
Like the forefathers of the American Revolution at Boston Harbor, one Cape Coral resident plans to show her dissatisfaction with the government by using tea.
Outraged by the city’s proposed public service tax, Lynn Rosko is organizing a Boston Tea Party on Wednesday at Jaycee Park.
There have been similar events across the nation.
“We have to stop this taxation that’s been going on,” she said. “I look at this as a gathering of residents, letting them know the issues and how they can impact them.”
Rosko does not know how many people will attend the revolt, which will not feature live entertainment or food, but warns that the number cannot exceed 499.
Any more than that, she said, and the city would require her to obtain permits, security, even institute an insurance policy.
“There’s going to be a park ranger standing there with a clicker,” Roscoe joked.
A resident since 1998, Rosko said she warned city leaders over a decade ago to prepare for the current revenue decline.
Now, she said, the city officials might force residents to pay for their failure to plan for the future.
“You don’t do a tax increase in a recession … there are people out of work,” Rosko added.
As part of the city budget, the council has not yet voted on the proposed public service tax, which, as proposed, would impose a tax on electric and natural gas bills. If the tax is approved, it would not take effect until 2010.
Rosko said she has not estimated what her own costs would be if the tax were instituted, but added that she would be most concerned about those on a fixed income and those like disabled veterans who do not have to pay property tax.
Rosko’s tea party begins at 5 p.m.
The event is free and open to the public.
Rosko recommends that those wishing to attend the protest should bring their own tea or tea bags.