
Voice an opinion, ask a question, vote in a poll on-line today at

4 min read

Your views on the editorials, letters and guest opinions that appear on The Breeze opinion pages can be shared on-line.
Tell us what you think here at
You also can vote or leave a comment to one of our opinion polls; comment on local, state and national news stories; or talk with a local expert on-line. now features a number of new, interactive features that allow readers to become part of the community conversation by offering insight on the news stories of the day or asking questions of our community columnists or bloggers.
Want to improve your golf swing?
Post a question to Steve Anderson, a PGA Master Professional who has been an instructor for 28 years.
Don’t know the difference between various types of investment?
Ask Ben Feldman, a veteran of over 20 years in the financial services industry.
Want to know the latest on commercial real estate trends or have a real estate related question?
Ask Gary Tasman or Sylvia Heldreth on-line at .
Just click on “blogs.”

Other enhanced features include:

* More calendars. has more topic-specific calendars to help you better plan your daily lives. In the coming weeks we will continue to add calendars for sporting and school events as well as calendars highlighting entertainment-related things to do in the area.

* More polls. You will find more chances to express your opinion at We are using more polls and using them more often, often within a story itself.

* User comments. Users are free to comment on most stories they read on the site. We think that involving the readers more through polls and comments will add more voices to as well as make it more relevant to our readers.
Just scroll down to the bottom of the story and tell us — and other readers — what you think about the news of the day.
Registering is easy — and free.

* Registration. allows readers to register for their own account. Registration is important because it allows you to post comments on stories, blogs and polls. It also allows you to post photos to our popular CU photo-sharing site. The site provides readers a view of thousands of photos of the area and is already popular with readers. We’d love to see your holiday pictures, which you can share with friends and family across the county simply by telling them to log on to .

* More information in general. The new site allows us to post more information to explain a story. We are posting more photos with each story, providing the reader links to more information as well as links to documents that may in some case provide background information for a story.

* Blogs. We currently have four expert blogs on our site. Blogs are a great way of including the public in the communications process and we hope you enjoy the addition. If you want to write a blog, give us a call at 574-1110, ext. 119 or 130. We’d like to talk to you.

* Stories where you expect them. posts stories in more than one location. A story about a store being damaged by a storm could be found both under business and news.

* Read the news when and where you want. has a mobile edition that allows you to access the site via your cell phone or PDA device.

* E-mail alerts. Registered users can sign up to get an e-mail whenever an event is posted containing the keywords that interests them.

* Advertising options also are available at Local business now have more options to get their messages across, including text ads, more sizes of ads, even the option to put their newspaper ads on the home page. Call Small Business Manager Renee Brown, 574-1110, ext. 122, for information.