FDOT seeks input on Pine Island Road expansion

Local residents will have their opportunity to give their input when it comes to an upcoming project that will see lane expansion along Pine Island Road.
The Florida Department of Transportation is conducting a Project Development and Environment study for the proposed improvement to SR 78 (Pine Island Road) extending from Veterans Parkway to the west of US 41 in Lee County.
The study will evaluate the widening of SR 78 from four to six lanes, including safety improvements and multimodal accommodations.
SR 78 is a designated Hurricane Evacuation Route and the only access road on and off of Pine Island.
According to FDOT, primary objectives include providing additional capacity, enhancing traffic safety and emergency evacuation capabilities, as well as accommodating population and employment growth, and increased freight activity.
“The goal of this Project Development and Environment Study is to collect and analyze information about State Road 78 to develop the best solution for transportation needs,” FDOT Public Information Specialist David Scarpelli said. “It is integral to a successful project because it allows us to provide alternatives for improvement to enhance safety conditions, add capacity, and accommodate future traffic demands.”
Public Involvement is an important part of the SR 78 Project Development and Environment study.
FDOT officials state they will use various activities to engage interested parties in the study process and provide several opportunities for public input including an online interactive survey.
Public meetings will be held including an Alternatives Public Information Meeting and a Public Hearing. Newsletters will be sent upon project kickoff, before each public session, and after the completion of the study.
An in-person kick-off meeting will be held Thursday, Jan. 16, from 5-7 p.m., at Cape Coral Technical College (Flex Room), at 360 Santa Barbara Blvd .
“Attendees can expect to learn about the PD&E study process and the potential improvement that will be evaluated for State Road 78,” Scarpelli said. “They will be able to review project information, including the study area, and engage with visuals and boards. Attendees will also get the opportunity to provide feedback by participating in a survey and asking questions directly to the project team.”
There also is an online option on Jan. 22 from 6 to 7 p.m. that will include a viewing of the meeting materials and a question-and-answer component with the project team.
“Public involvement is very important for this project,” Scarpelli said. “We will use the comments and input we receive from the community to assist in the development and refine alternatives, as the study progresses.”
Scarpelli added that as the project moves forward, FDOT will work with the city of Cape Coral, Lee County and the Lee Metropolitan Planning Organization, as well as other federal, state, local leaders and interested parties.
After the in-person and online kick-off meetings, the public comment period associated with the kickoff meeting closes on Jan. 31. Scarpelli said then, FDOT will begin developing and evaluating alternatives for improvement.
For additional information, how to submit public comment and to register for the online meeting, visit www.swflroads.com/project/452680-1.