
American Legion making final plans for July 4 Parade

2 min read

On Friday, July 4, American Legion Post #136 will sponsor the annual Independence Day Parade to celebrate the birthday of America. Every-one is invited to participate.

“This is the 12th year that the American Legion has sponsored the parade,” Tom Ruscik, parade organizer, said. “Anyone that wants to participate must register. Registration forms are available at the American Legion and the Chamber of Commerce has them online. I can also email a registration form. Registration is required for any one who wants to participate including the kids for the Bike ‘n Trike Parade.”

“Last year we had a great turnout and we invite Pine Islanders to join us this year,” Ruscik said. “Anyone with a car or a float with your logo is welcome to join in. Anyone with questions should contact me at 283-5270.”

Everyone participating in the parade should be at the Winn-Dixie parking lot at 8:30 a.m. and the lineup starts at 9. Winn-Dixie will provide a continental breakfast for parade participants from 8:30 to 9:30 am. The Island Grill will also be open serving breakfast. At 10 a.m., the American Legion will fire off a cannon and the parade will begin. The line of march will be north to the four-way stop and then west to the Elks parking lot.

The Elks Lodge will provide free hot dogs for the kids that participated in the parade.

For the kids there will be a Bike ‘n Trike parade for kids of all ages; prizes will be awarded to children ages 6-13 for best decorated bicycle. Trophies will be awarded at the end of the parade at the Elks parking lot.

All children under the age of 6 years must be accompanied by a parent or guardian during the parade. All Children must have a permission slip to ride in the parade.

The celebration will continue at the American Legion in St. James City starting at noon with music and food. Finally, at dusk there will be the best fireworks display on Pine Island (weather permitting).

Parade participation is open to all. If you need more information or have any questions, contact Ruscik at 283-5270.